About Us
Difficult problems are often best solved by the people who are most affected by them and such was the case with the story of the creation of Insulfix Track. It was a brilliantly simple solution arrived at after much suffering in many a cramped loft space. Jason, the Founder and inventor of Insulfix Track is a carpenter.
Over the years he found that on site there were very few willing volunteers to take up the task of fitting insulation boards. So, this tricky, time consuming and frustrating job ended up with Jason. It was clear that to fix insulation boards properly using the traditional method of friction fitting was, to put it mildly, somewhat tricky.
Gaps between the boards and the rafters were a problem. Sure, they could be filled with spray foam but the foam didn’t really get into narrow gaps very well and more ended up on the surface of the board than down the gap.
Our Story
If the boards were deliberately cut smaller and held in place with nails, the foam nozzle would fit in the wider gap and allow the boards to be ‘foamed-in’. However, the clients would then complain about the number of cans of foam he was getting through.
Using battens to hold boards in place and to stop them being pushed too far towards the roof was another possible solution but accurately fixing the battens on the rafters proved difficult and boards still needed to be accurately cut to minimise any gaps.
There was also waste. A lot of it. Each 1200mm x 2400mm board would have a full-length offcut between 100mm and 150mm wide, depending on rafter centres, that would just get thrown in the skip.
After a particularly frustrating session Jason came up with the idea of a plastic sleeve that could hold the insulation firmly in place. The next day a prototype was made and the idea for Insulfix Track was born.