Complaints Policy

Insulfix Complaints Handling Policy

We are committed to providing a high-quality products and services to all our customers. When something goes wrong we encourage you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.

All complaints received by Insulfix will be handled according to the following policy:

  1. On receipt of a customer complaint, it will be allocated an Insulfix Complaint Number (ICNxxxx)
  2. The customer will be informed within 2 working days that their complaint has been received and given their Insulfix Complaint number to use a reference in any further correspondence.
  3. Insulfix will record the following information against each complaint raised:
  • Complaint Number
  • Date complaint received
  • Customer name
  • Customer contact information
  • Delivery Address
  • Insulfix Product Code(s) concerned
  • Type of complaint: ‘Product’, ‘Service’ or ‘Other’
  • Details of complaint
  • Status of complaint – Open or Closed
  • Action taken
  • Date complaint closed
  1. If the customer is required to supply additional photographic or physical evidence to support the complaint they will be contacted by Insulfix Limited.
  2. Resolution of all complaints will be in accordance with our Terms and Conditions of Sale
  3. Complaints will be reviewed on a regular basis to note any trends and areas where product or service improvements can be made.